Hierarchies on 599115.1z2o7.group
Search groups
Enter search string without wildcards:
Hierarchy |
Description |
Number of groups |
| 24hoursupport | | 1 |
| 3dfx | | 24 |
| abg | ? | 3 |
| acadia | Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada | 5 |
| adobe | products from Adobe Systems, Inc. | 163 |
| aioe | | 9 |
| alabama | Alabama, USA | 20 |
| alt | Usenet alternative newsgroups | 8760 |
| ar | grupos de Argentina | 21 |
| at | Oesterreich (Austria) | 243 |
| atl | Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 9 |
| auna | | 31 |
| aus | Australian newsgroups | 148 |
| austin | Austin, Texas, USA | 17 |
| az | Arizona, USA | 10 |
| ba | San Francisco bay area, California, USA | 38 |
| bc | British Columbia, Canada | 13 |
| be | Belgique/Belg�e/Belgien (Belgium) | 50 |
| belwue | | 3 |
| bih | | 70 |
| bionet | Biology Network | 94 |
| bit | originating from BITNET (IBM mainframe) | 84 |
| biz | Usenet business newsgroups | 47 |
| bln | Berlin, Germany | 5 |
| bne | Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | 6 |
| boulder | Boulder, Colorado, USA | 3 |
| brasil | Brasil | 18 |
| braunschweig | | 14 |
| bremnet | Bremen und Umgebung, Deutschland | 15 |
| ca | California, USA | 15 |
| cakewalk | | 4 |
| calgary | Calgary, Alberta, Canada | 4 |
| cam | Cambridge area, England | 5 |
| can | Canada | 63 |
| canb | Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia | 5 |
| ch | Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera (Switzerland) | 17 |
| chi | Chicago, Illinois, USA | 14 |
| chile | Chile | 54 |
| chinese | China and Chinese language newsgroups | 14 |
| christnet | Christian Network | 27 |
| cn | China and Chinese language newsgroups | 218 |
| cna | Chinese language newsgroups | 58 |
| co | Colorado, USA | 18 |
| codewarrior | | 10 |
| comp | Usenet computer newsgroups | 685 |
| corel | | 106 |
| creative | | 36 |
| cs | University of British Columbia computer science, Canada | 8 |
| cz | Czech Republic newsgroups | 82 |
| dallas | | 2 |
| dc | Washington, D.C., USA | 18 |
| de | International German language newsgroups | 322 |
| demon | Newsgroups from the Demon network, UK | 60 |
| denton | | 2 |
| desy | | 2 |
| dfw | Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas, USA | 16 |
| dk | Danmark (Denmark) | 235 |
| dragonfly | | 3 |
| ed | Edinburgh, Scotland | 11 |
| edm | Edmonton, Alberta, Canada | 4 |
| ee | Eesti (Estonia) | 106 |
| england | England and English newsgroups | 43 |
| es | grupos de Espa�a | 180 |
| esp | grupos en espa�ol | 48 |
| eternal-september | | 11 |
| europa | themas europee in discussiones multilingual | 28 |
| fa | | 274 |
| fan | | 1 |
| ffm | Frankfurt (Main), Deutschland | 10 |
| fido | originating from Fidonet | 29 |
| fido7 | Russian-language Fidonet | 1870 |
| finet | Finland and Finnish language alternative newsgroups | 36 |
| fj | Japan and Japanese language newsgroups | 411 |
| fl | Florida, USA | 25 |
| fm | Linux software announcements and discussion >< | 1 |
| fr | international French language newsgroups | 242 |
| france | international French language newsgroups | 118 |
| francom | groupes de discussion en francais | 26 |
| free | entirely unregulated newsgroups | 1366 |
| freshmeat | | 1 |
| frn | | 1 |
| gated | | 19 |
| geometry | discussions about geometry | 10 |
| ger | GerNet, Deutschland (ISP) | 20 |
| gnu | GNU operating system | 34 |
| gnus | | 3 |
| gov | Government information newsgroups | 208 |
| grisbi | | 8 |
| grk | Greece and Greek language newsgroups | 47 |
| hamburg | Hamburg, Deutschland | 27 |
| hamster | users of Hamster proxy server | 19 |
| han | Hangul language newsgroups (Korean) | 133 |
| hannover | Hannover, Deutschland | 70 |
| hawaii | Hawaii, USA | 15 |
| hepnet | High Energy Physics Network | 13 |
| hfx | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | 2 |
| hispagatos | | 4 |
| hiv | HIV-related issues | 35 |
| hk | Hong Kong | 48 |
| houston | Houston, Texas, USA | 21 |
| hr | Croatian newsgroups | 333 |
| hsv | Huntsville, Alabama, USA | 7 |
| humanities | Usenet discussions about Humanities | 8 |
| hun | Magyarorszag (Hungarian newsgroups) | 53 |
| ibm | IBM-based newsgroups >< | 105 |
| idoctra | | 10 |
| ie | Ireland | 9 |
| in | Indiana, USA | 9 |
| info | Internet technical information | 39 |
| is | Iceland and Icelandic newsgroups | 30 |
| israel | Israel | 22 |
| it | Italia | 449 |
| it-alt | gerarchia alternativa di newsgroup in italiano | 286 |
| italia | reti civiche e gruppi locali italiani | 170 |
| japan | Japan and Japanese language newsgroups | 480 |
| jaring | Jaring network, Malaysia (ISP) | 6 |
| k12 | international educational network | 37 |
| kassel | Region Kassel, Deutschland | 6 |
| kgk | | 4 |
| kiel | Kiel, Deutschland | 13 |
| kl | | 10 |
| kraft | | 7 |
| kw | Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | 12 |
| la | Los Angeles, California, USA | 12 |
| lada | | 27 |
| linux | Linux operating system | 108 |
| list | | 30 |
| local | | 1 |
| lucky | | 203 |
| luebeck | Luebeck, Deutschland | 9 |
| macromedia | | 159 |
| mailing | | 197 |
| malta | Malta and Maltese newsgroups | 11 |
| manse | | 5 |
| maus | originating from MausNet (Deutschland) | 200 |
| melb | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | 2 |
| mex | Mexican newsgroups | 22 |
| mi | Michigan, USA | 6 |
| microsoft | Microsoft newsgroups | 1 |
| milw | Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA | 11 |
| misc | Usenet miscellaneous newsgroups | 108 |
| mn | Minnesota, USA | 15 |
| mtl | Montréal, Québec, Canada | 5 |
| muc | M�nchen, Deutschland | 196 |
| muenster | Muenster, Deutschland | 23 |
| mysql | | 29 |
| nashville | Nashville, Tennessee, USA | 3 |
| nb | New Brunswick, Canada | 12 |
| nbg | Nuernberg, Deutschland | 10 |
| nc | North Carolina, USA | 12 |
| ne | New England area, USA | 30 |
| netobjects | | 123 |
| netscape | Netscape, Mountain View, California, USA | 104 |
| neworleans | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA | 4 |
| news | Usenet news | 28 |
| news-service | | 2 |
| newsguy | Newsguy News Service | 61 |
| newshosting | | 2 |
| newsland | | 2 |
| newsmon | | 4 |
| newsreader | | 3 |
| nf | Newfoundland, Canada | 16 |
| nh | New Hampshire, USA | 7 |
| ni | Northern Ireland | 13 |
| nippon | | 10 |
| nj | New Jersey, USA | 14 |
| nl | Nederland | 177 |
| nl-alt | | 1 |
| nlo | | 109 |
| no | Norge (Norway) | 219 |
| nord | Norddeutschland | 16 |
| north | Weser-Ems Region, Deutschland | 10 |
| nrw | Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland | 19 |
| ns | Nova Scotia, Canada | 7 |
| ntl | | 8 |
| ny | New York State, USA | 15 |
| nyc | New York City, New York, USA | 26 |
| nz | New Zealand | 31 |
| oc | Orange County, California, USA | 11 |
| octanews | | 2 |
| oecher | Aachen, Deutschland | 9 |
| oesterreich | | 167 |
| ok | Oklahoma, USA | 7 |
| ont | Ontario, Canada | 13 |
| openwatcom | | 5 |
| opera | Opera web browser, multilingual | 41 |
| or | Oregon, USA | 5 |
| ott | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | 26 |
| owl | Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Deutschland | 16 |
| p3 | | 1 |
| pa | Pennsylvania, USA | 30 |
| pbinfo | | 30 |
| pdaxs | Portland Metronet, Oregon, USA | 78 |
| pdx | Portland, Oregon, USA | 23 |
| perl | | 129 |
| pgh | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | 17 |
| pgsql | | 26 |
| phl | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | 24 |
| phx | Phoenix, Arizona, USA | 16 |
| pilot | | 6 |
| pl | Polska (Polish language newsgroups) | 253 |
| pnw | Pacific North-West (USA/Canada) | 9 |
| pt | Portugal and Portuguese newsgroups | 39 |
| qc | Quebec, Canada | 3 |
| rec | Usenet recreational newsgroups | 689 |
| redhat | Red Hat Software, North Carolina, USA >< | 15 |
| relcom | Relcom, Commonwealth of Ind. States (Cyrillic) (ISP) | 191 |
| revue | | 33 |
| rhein | Rhein area (Cologne and Bonn), Germany | 5 |
| rocksolid | | 23 |
| ruhr | Ruhrgebiet, Deutschland | 36 |
| rwth | Rheinisch-Westf�lische TH, Deutschland | 31 |
| saar | Saarbruecken, Deutschland | 42 |
| sbay | South Bay region, San Francisco, California, USA | 15 |
| school | | 10 |
| schule | German language school newsgroups | 13 |
| sci | Usenet science newsgroups | 198 |
| science | | 1 |
| scot | Scotland and Scottish newsgroups | 16 |
| scout | | 136 |
| sdnet | San Diego, California, USA | 39 |
| se | Sverige (Sweden) | 50 |
| seattle | Seattle, Washington, USA | 17 |
| sfnet | Suomi-Finland, Finland & Finnish language newsgroups | 236 |
| sg | Singapore | 31 |
| shamash | Jewish newsgroups | 3 |
| si | Slovenian newsgroups | 70 |
| simflight | | 31 |
| sk | Slovakian newsgroups | 33 |
| soc | Usenet social issues newsgroups | 245 |
| solent | Solent, U.K. (ISP) | 1 |
| spline | | 14 |
| staroffice | StarOffice software, Sun Microsystems, Inc. | 26 |
| stgt | Stuttgart, Deutschland | 10 |
| sverige | | 2 |
| swnet | Sverige (Sweden) | 90 |
| sybase | | 129 |
| syd | Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | 2 |
| tacoma | Tacoma, Washington, USA | 3 |
| talk | Usenet talk newsgroups | 31 |
| telekabel | | 1 |
| teranews | | 3 |
| thur | Thuringia, Deutschland | 20 |
| tmnet | | 4 |
| tnn | The Network News (Japanese) | 220 |
| tor | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | 21 |
| triangle | Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA | 20 |
| tw | Taiwan | 329 |
| tx | Texas, USA | 21 |
| ufra | Unterfranken, Deutschland | 21 |
| uk | United Kingdom | 345 |
| ukc | University of Kent at Canterbury, UK >< | 2 |
| uklinux | UK Linux discussion groups | 3 |
| ukonline | | 2 |
| ukr | Ukraine and Ukranian language newsgroups | 50 |
| uky | University of Kentucky, USA | 5 |
| ulm | | 12 |
| umn | University of Minnesota, USA | 1 |
| umontreal | Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada | 2 |
| ura | | 1 |
| us | United States | 20 |
| ut | University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada | 1 |
| utah | Utah, USA | 8 |
| uw | University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | 8 |
| va | Virginia, USA | 6 |
| van | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | 11 |
| virginmedia | | 4 |
| vmsnet | originating from Digital VAX network | 37 |
| vmware | | 23 |
| wa | Western Australia, Australia | 5 |
| wales | Wales | 14 |
| wallonie | | 14 |
| wanadoouk | | 10 |
| wash | Washington, USA | 6 |
| webgain | | 62 |
| wi | Wisconsin, USA | 6 |
| winnipeg | | 6 |
| wny | Western New York, USA | 14 |
| wolfsburg | | 8 |
| wpg | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada | 9 |
| x-privat | | 4 |
| xs4all | Xs4all, Nederland (ISP) | 8 |
| yu | | 23 |
| z-netz | originating from Z-Netz (German newsgroups) | 14 |
| za | South Africa and Afrikaans newsgroups | 28 |
| zz | | 1 |
total number of hierarchies on server: 286
2023-02-03 12:18:29 microsoft.* hierarchy removed
More than 10 years after Microsoft shut down their news groups (microsoft.*) and the Usenet News server, the hierarchy has been removed from Eternal-September.
2017-09-05 09:38:05 Server news.eternal-september.org replaced
The old reader server news.eternal-september.org had to be replaced by new hardware just before the scheduled replacement date. The new server is up and running, DNS changes are underway. The new server is called reader.eternal-september.org, but will also be available under the usual name as soon as the DNS changes have fully propagated. Currently, connections on port 80 and 443 are not available yet. These will be available again soon. The new server has an SSL certificate for both reader.eternal-september.org and news.eternal-september.org.
UUCP connectivity is currently not available, but will be re-established tomorrow.
2011-09-03 08:09:42 AT&T mail addresses banned
As AT&T's fancy blacklist rejects mails from Eternal-September.org (again), the following mail domains can not be used for registration as we will not be able to send you your access data:
If you previously tried to register and did not receive your registration mail,
please note that is due to your mail provider's policy.
Thank you for your understanding.
2011-05-26 04:59:03 Server names
Due to recent incidents, please note that you should only use "news.eternal-september.org" as the server name in your client configuration. IP addresses and other server names may change any time without prior notice and hence become unavailable for usenet access.
Exceptions are "reader80.eternal-september.org" for access on port 80 (NNTP), "reader443.eternal-september.org" for access on port 443 (NNTP/SSL), and "uucp.eternal-september.org" for UUCP access on port 540.
2010-04-02 18:56:02 UUCP service moved to uucp.eternal-september.org
As the domain motzarella.org is not resolved by DNS servers anymore, UUCP users
were cut off on March 23, 2010 without prior notice. The UUCP service has now been re-established with the new system name of uucp.eternal-september.org. Subscribers are kindly requested to adjust their configuration accordingly. Client system names, login data and and newsgroup subscriptions continue to be valid.
2007-09-28 11:46:54 Anonymous complaints
Due to recent events I would like to point out that anonymous complaints (no full name and/or invalid mail address) will be ignored.
2007-02-19 21:21:04 TOR users
Users who would like to access Eternal-September.org via TOR are kindly requested to send a mail to news( AT )eternal-september( DOT )org.